Is Porn Destroying Your Marriage?

Did you know that the real reason we are seeing such an epidemic of separations, divorces, and even distancing within the relationship? It comes from our neurology and our energy sources within us? What if I could provide you with the tools to create the most magical, powerful, and sensual love-making you could ever imagine, while building long-term, connective and intimate relationships and marriages that can last a life-time? You can have all of this by learning some simple and easy behaviors.

Incorrect Tools

The sexual behavioral choices we make in our lives have the power to create either massive dysfunction or massive positive transformation in all areas of our lives with our sexual, physical, relational, emotional, and mental health. We just have been given the incorrect tools.

In the West, we have been greatly misinformed on the basic tools we should use in our sexual relationships and marriages. And this is undermining, poisoning, and ultimately destroying them. The very act of singular, goal-focused, ejaculatory, climax-driven semen release that we have been taught is connective and the correct way to behave sexually, is actually the very poison which inevitably becomes fatal to even the best-matched and well-intentioned couples.

We do not talk about neurology and energy in relation to sexual intercourse. But neurology, namely dopamine, is absolutely essential and necessary to not only gain an erection for men and arousal for women, but also maintain the erection and arousal. Dopamine is our arousal neurochemical and hormone. It is our determination, drive, inspiration, and motivation in life to become our ideal and best selves.

We also do not talk about our sexual energy in relation to sexual intercourse, which is referred to in the East as Chi Sexual energy. Chi energy is our life force, the power to create new life and our own life. Our sexual energy and overall physical energy are the same energy source, and completely inseparable. When our overall physical energy is strong, our sexual energy is also strong along with it. They are bound together as one, unlike what Western Medicine and the pharmaceutical industry want you to believe.

Choosing Our Ideal Sexual Performance

By simply choosing the toxic mating behaviors of semen release masturbation to pornography or not, we are choosing either massive dysfunction in our sexual performance, resulting in erectile and sexual dysfunction, or we are choosing our ideal sexual performance, resulting in healthy and connective love-making that will exceed our wildest dreams. We simply need to strip ourselves of our misconceptions we have been misled on.

Releasing our semen to pornography is the fastest growing form of ED we see today. We are at the end of a two decade massive experiment on the minds and neurology of the global population. The results are in, and they are terrifying and harrowing. We have an entire generation of young men, as virgins, unable to have the first sexual experience of their lives and have any ability to have a meaningful, connective relationship.

The Pornography Epidemic

The pornography epidemic is destroying neurology, relationships, and leaving men impotent. The pornography epidemic has triggered a relationship epidemic for women, because men are experiencing a massive relational dysfunction on every level, mentally, neurologically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The reason Semen release to pornography is so destructive and poisonous, is because it combines two major destructive and powerful elements, which make is a super-stimulus; the first is what is called novelty. This is having access to unlimited novel imagery, which we can select to perfectly fit the neurological grooves for our individual arousal.

The second is semen release. I use the term semen release instead of ejaculation on purpose. In Tantra, we regularly practice what is called full body orgasm and ejaculation without semen release. We can experience unbelievable satisfaction and sensuality through orgasm where our entire body shakes in ecstasy, including our lingam ejaculating, but we are simply blocking the semen from being released.

The Toll of Semen Release

Eastern traditions have been aware for millennia, yet western culture is unaware of the immense toll that semen release takes on a male. The moment Semen is released, an intense neurological, physical, and mental refractory period and process of replenishment begins, in which dopamine levels crash and prolactin levels rise, as the body pulls all the most precious resources of growth factors, hormones, and nutrients to replace the vital sperm.

Prolactin is associated with fatigue and hair loss. This refractory period causes fatigue, mood imbalance, distancing, and satiety in the relationship. This process is most intense for the first few days, but continues to weave up and down for up to two weeks. Overlapping dopamine crashes from Semen release to pornography causes a perpetual state of chronic fatigue, constant mood imbalance, anger, irritability, and an inability to connect in any meaningful way in the relationship.

While men may consciously be aware that pornographic partners are a fantasy, the neurology in our brain believes the images we are releasing our semen to are REAL! The brain believes it is waging a highly successful campaign of mating with a wide range of sexy novel mates. This feeds perfectly into what we call mating behavior. The goal of mating behavior is to spread maximum genetic diversity through novel mate selection. Obviously this holds no place in modern relationships, but this is what we are practicing unconsciously and subconsciously on a neurological and physical level. Men are perfecting mating behavior to toxic levels, and transposing this pornographic behavior into the relationship.

Bonding Behaviors

Thankfully Tao, Tantra, and Kareezza have an antidote for this poison that is so toxic to our relationships and marriages. These are called bonding behaviors. Over hundreds of thousands of years, our mammalian brain has evolved two major behavioral pathways, namely what we refer to as mating and bonding behaviors. Bonding behaviors have evolved around the feel good hormone oxytocin with the joys of raising babies, family, friends, and community. Bonding behaviors involve deep eye gazing. communication and listening, honoring and respecting the heart and soul of that special being you are partnered with, slow-building foreplay, sensual play, meaningful touch, caressing, holding, embracing, and semen retention.

The goal no longer is focused just on reaching climax, or even needing to have sex. Intimacy becomes a dance rather than a singular goal-driven act, a dance which brings us closer to God. If sex does not arise every time, we remain unattached and non-addicted to the outcome. We can see it as an opportunity to focus our Chi Sexual energy, and healthy dopamine levels on our relationship, our passions, our growth, and success in all areas of our lives, by harnessing and transmuting this Chi sexual energy inwards and upwards.

Semen retention is one of the most misunderstood and feared, powerful sexual behaviors that men in the West wrongfully misunderstand. Men fear they will lose the satisfaction they feel they gain from releasing their semen. Paradoxically, when the Chi Sexual energy returns to the sexual areas of our body, and healthy dopamine levels rebound, we experience increased sexual sensitivity and satisfaction, increased sexual performance and potency, and prolonged sexual performance.

Rather than unconsciously releasing our semen after the 3-5 minute average, we can prolong our sexual performance to 30-50 minutes. Now we can get in alignment with our female partner, who is just getting warmed up when men are already finished and distancing, leaving women wholly unsatisfied and even frustrated with the selfishness of the sexual experience. Men need to understand that their current sexual behaviors are dysfunctional on so many levels.

Benefit of Semen Retention

The ultimate benefit of semen retention is avoiding the dopamine and chi sexual energy crash, which causes distancing and satiety in the relationship. Now we can remain bonded after sex, instead of feeling the need to withdraw in a state of a refractory cycle and period of replenishment. We can embrace in a state of breathless, timeless union.

Pornography further poisons and destroys our relationships and marriages, replacing our real loving connective partner with pixels on a screen. The pornography addiction escalates, inevitably leading to an inability to get aroused to your partner, your favorite pornography, and ultimately to life itself.

We have the tools to bring vitality, vibrancy, and youthful vigor to our sexual performance, our physical, mental and emotional health, and to build immensely-satisfying, intimate relationships and marriages. Simply let go of all the myths and misconceptions, fears, and peer pressure. Strip yourself bare and naked of all addictions and negative habits, and embrace the truth and science behind the wisdom of healthy sexual behaviors, which have the enormous power to positively transform every aspect of our lives.


addiction to pornography An Erectile and Sexual Dysfunction Expert Benefits of Ejaculation Retention to Improve Erectile Dysfunction Benefits of Not Ejaculating and Practicing Semen Retention benefits of sexercise blood-flow restrictive ED Erectile Dysfunction Medication and Treatments Erectile Dysfunction Problem In Men and Women Female Sexual Dysfunction Causes and Cures Heal Erectile Dysfunction Naturally How do I Deal With Erectile Dysfunction How Retention of Sperm Benefits Erectile Dysfunction in Men How to Improve Sexual Performance and Sexual Ability How to Overcome Pornography Addiction How To Recover From Porn Addiction Naturally Know The Important Erectile Dysfunction Maintain an erection in men Natural Cures For Erectile Dysfunction Naturally Improve Sexual Performance and Sex Life natural solution for erectile dysfunction Natural Solution for Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation Natural Solution For Sexual Dysfunction Natural Solutions for Sexual Dysfunction and Premature Natural Solutions for Sexual Dysfunction In Men Natural Solutions for Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women Natural Solutions for Sexual Dysfunction In Women Natural Solution | How to Get Rock Hard Erections Without Medication Natural Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction in Male Natural Ways to Get an Erection Faster and Stay Hard Longer Natural Ways to Get Harder Erections Natural Ways to Improve ED and Safe Sexual Relationship Natural Ways to Stay Harder Longer Without Pills Permanent Solution for Erectile Dysfunction Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction Practice Semen Retention To Erectile Dysfunction Sexual Dysfunction: Solution and Causes Signs and Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction Surprising Health Benefits of Semen Retention Understanding What the Power of Semen Retention Various Natural Erectile Dysfunction Solutions Various Ways To Get Harder Erection
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