Brooke Hazen - Author of You Are Not Broken

Brooke was able to find a way for himself, and now for you, to become the sexual and relational beings we were born to be.

You are so much more than a scarlet letter. You are a powerful and sovereign being, capable of anything you put your mind to. But it will not happen without your utmost focus, determination… and openness to limitless learning, growth and possibilities.

I made connections with the cycles of my failed marriage, and the relationships and marriages I saw crumbling all around me. I witnessed a trend: the relationships start off hot and heavy, with healthy portions of honeymoon intimacy and sex… The new partners addictively pursue this mating and climax-based behavior, men especially focusing more and more exclusively on just the sexual act to the exclusion of vital bonding behaviors.

These moods of mating behavior inevitably lead to the distancing of men from their partners, and a search for novel mates, perpetuating the never-ending cycle of dopamine imbalance and addiction. Pornography addiction further distances men from their partners, by desensitizing their neurology to their loved ones. Inevitably, a real connective partner is entirely replaced by a virtual fantasy of pixels on a screen.

You cannot treat and resolve the symptom of sexual dysfunction until you look at the entire body, mind, and soul as a whole, with sexual performance acting as only one part of the whole body which must function well together from head to toe. To heal your sexual performance, you must also heal your overall health in the circulatory, nervous, and neurological systems.

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You Are Not Broken: Audio Book Narrated by Brooke Hazen

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You Are Not Broken

Now Available

You Are Not Broken: A Holistic Guide for Men and Women to Heal the Pathways of Sexual Dysfunction and Restore Relational Harmony Together was born of Brooke Hazen’s direct experience, and inspired by a deep desire to share his very personal story and findings. Brooke developed a holistic, preventative, and curative protocol based on experiential evidence and scientific studies in order to help men and women like you who have suffered from sexual dysfunction, pornography addiction, and relational disharmony.

This book is the result of years of experiential research into the real reasons and true connections which cause, what we in Western culture refer to as, sexual dysfunction. Through many trials and errors, countless hours of exhaustive research, an open mind, and steely determination, Brooke was able to find a way for himself, and now for you, to become the sexual and relational beings we were born to be.

If living a sexually vibrant lifestyle, and feeling healthy and fit, without the burden of any side effects is your goal, resolve to make an absolute commitment to these teachings, practices, and healing modalities. There is no quick easy fix. A miracle pill will never exist to replace true healing.

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Audio Excerpt

“Erectile dysfunction for men, and sexual dysfunction for women, are a warning sign that some other serious problem, or set of problems, has caused the canary in the coal mine to cry out for help. You cannot treat and resolve the symptoms of sexual dysfunction until you look at the entire body, mind, and soul as a whole, with sexual performance acting as only one part of the whole body which must function well together from head to toe. To heal your sexual performance, you must also heal your overall health… physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. This is where mainstream Western medicine has failed us currently. But this is where I can help you.”
—Brooke Hazen


“Are modern habits undermining your sexual health—or the sexual health of someone you love? If so, this book is your lodestar for returning to vibrant wellbeing and satisfying intimacy. Trace the insights gathered by courageous author Brooke Hazen as he unearths jewels that will brighten your love life, your health, and your outlook. For best results, explore the radically different approach to lovemaking in the early chapters.”
—Marnia Robinson, author of Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships

“What started as a journey of physical healing became one of tremendous spiritual growth and a revolution in holistic health. Through his own process, Brooke became an expert in male sexuality, sexual function, and transcendent romantic relationships.”
—Noah Church, coach/author of Wack: Addicted to Internet Porn

“Brooke Hazen sets out a model for each person to love themselves as a sexual being in a sustainable way. In this heartfelt and deeply personal account of his journey of discovery he offers a fresh voice to the literature on improving sexual health. Placing the management of the body as a complete entity at the centre of his approach, he balances constructive ways to improve erectile functioning with a comprehensive approach to effective living.”
—Darryl Mead, Chair, The Reward Foundation

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About Brooke

Brooke Hazen is an Erectile Dysfunction expert, author, organic farmer, life-long athlete, physical coach, and a health and fitness enthusiast. A Southern California native, Brooke grew up loving the ocean and the natural world. His affinity for the land, healthy living, and natural foods led him to study Agriculture at Humboldt State. In 2001, Brooke realized his vision to grow nutritious, organic, farm-to-table foods under his own brand when he purchased 88 acres of pastureland in the beautiful Northern California farming region of Sebastopol. He now cultivates apples, citrus, medicinal herbs, and high polyphenol olives. Walking the rows each day, he meticulously hand-tends his orchards and presses award-winning Extra Virgin Olive Oil on his West Sonoma County farm and olive mill, Gold Ridge Organic Farms.

Now an author, You Are Not Broken: A Holistic Guide for Men and Women to Heal the Pathways of Sexual Dysfunction and Restore Relational Harmony Together is his first book.

Safe Journey Prayer

Excerpts from You Are Not Broken

If you are reading this book, you have likely experienced sexual dysfunction. Many of you may be shaken to the core, having taken an enormous and life-altering hit to your confidence. You may have never thought about how your sexual performance actually works, until now. Yet mainstream Western medicine does not provide any answers to our questions, and instead labels us as impotent, or experiencing erectile dysfunction for men, and sexual dysfunction for women. As men, this hits especially hard, and can be debilitating to our confidence, lives, and normal day to day function.

For myself, I never questioned how my sexual performance and system worked, until I started to notice in my late forties that I was having trouble getting aroused to a real live woman in front of me. I had no trouble getting aroused to pornography. For the next year and a half, I took on the heavy weight of the erectile dysfunction scarlet letter and experimented with every different kind of pharmaceutical. I learned the science of our sexual anatomy, and our bodily systems which support its healthy function. I also learned how Western mainstream medicine and pharmaceutical companies treat the symptoms.

I even created my own blend, based on a drug popular in Europe, in my impossible quest for a pharmaceutical, or even natural drug, which did not create side effects. But all of them caused debilitating side effects. This threw me into a deep spiral of depression because I was stuck with being unable to tolerate and navigate the pharmaceutical solution to sexual dysfunction. At the same time, I was unable to engage in the sacred act of sex without the pharmaceuticals, or so I thought. For me, it came down to either a natural, holistic approach to resolving my sexual performance, or I was facing the devastating and permanent loss of sexual confidence and connection I valued so deeply.

. . .

Old age does not automatically take our sexual performance away from us, as Western culture and medicine ascribes. Eastern traditions have successfully cultivated vibrant sexual performance into old age, without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. I searched for long-term solutions, which utilize our body’s own natural health and intelligence from within, rather than importing a short term hardwire from an outside source. I have discovered that short-term, temporary hardwires merely mimic insufficiently and imperfectly an already perfect system, which simply needs long-term, holistic, and curative healing.

Pharmaceutical drugs for erectile dysfunction are admitted by the pharmaceutical companies, and the medical institutions which promote them, to be superficial and temporary fixes for erectile dysfunction. They also admit that they cause side effects. These drugs follow the western medical viewpoint of isolating the problem to insufficient blood flow to the sexual organ, but fail to offer any viable, long-term, curative treatments and techniques to recover a vibrant sexual performance EVER again.

Pharmaceutical ED drugs cause the user to become dependent on short-term fixes, which the makers admit often leads to reduced, and inevitably failing, sexual performance. Furthermore, the actions of these ED drugs can never mimic the natural processes and feelings of healthy sexual performance without medications of any kind. Those processes and actions are wondrous and sacred and are impossible to replicate with drugs.

. . .

Despite what the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical and supplement industries want you to believe, your sexual organs are not, nor can ever be, isolated from all the cells in your body. The reason pharmaceutical drugs for ED cause side effects is because the circulatory system is connected. You cannot isolate the genital pelvic region from the brain, the heart, and all the cells in your entire body. Our body is one great, complex system, which works harmoniously together. A breakdown in one part signals a breakdown in the entire body, which needs to be addressed immediately.

Chi sexual energy is the energy which runs through our entire body, from the complex neurons firing in our brain, to the endothelial function of our blood vessels, to our cells, and the mitochondria which drives our cells. The entire person must be treated physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. This is where mainstream Western medicine has failed us currently. But this is where I can help you.

Did I say this will be an easy, quick, and cheap fix, like buying a bottle of pills, and popping one in your mouth when the occasion arises? Western culture has become transfixed with easy, short-term solutions. If living a sexually vibrant lifestyle, and feeling healthy and fit, without the burden of any side effects is your goal, then you will need to invest your time, energy, and money towards this goal. It requires absolute and permanent commitment to these teachings, practices, and healing modalities, in order to be successful. A miracle pill will never exist to replace true healing. Time, effort, and sacrifice are required to gain healthy sexual performance.

You are so much more than a scarlet letter. You are a powerful and sovereign being, capable of anything you put your mind to. But it will not happen without your utmost focus and determination. It will not happen without the help of a higher power, and being open to limitless learning, growth and possibilities. Everything starts with God, the energy source which our Chi sexual energy originates from, the creator of creation, and the power behind natural healing.

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Brooke Hazen
Gold Ridge Organic Farms
3387 Canfield Road
Sebastopol, CA 95472

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Author Brooke Hazen
You Are Not Broken - Sexual Dysfunction and Restore Relational Book